Wednesday, November 24, 2010

First Blog

This is going to be my way of learning to open up more and just speak freely.  I find that I often "censor" myself for the sake of not offending anyone.  I'm always pushing everyone else to not be afraid to speak up and just do whatever it is that your heart is truly guiding you to.  Meanwhile, being a sheltered little butterfly myself.  So, I will say this now, if I offend you sorry.  But then again, no I'm not.  I'm pretty sure that even you have offended someone with something that you've said and not cared.  So, if you are reading this, you are witnessing a tiny piece of my journey that I call life..

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful.

    Nobody needs to be offended by anything-- those who are are simply dealing with a sense of inferiority on their own part. When you know WHO you are and how powerful and worthy you are, NOBODY can take that away from you with an "offensive" comment. Suck it up!

    Love this. Look forward to more!

